Learn to Learn
Learning like a Pioneer
Benefits of L2L

Want to climb the Ladder?
Get busy learning; or get busy becoming irrelevant. Want to work on a cool project someday? Want to prove that you are the right person for the next big initiative? LEARN

Have you been challenged lately?
L2L challenges you to draw out a deeper level of technical understanding along with key non-technical characteristics like problem-solving, deeper analysis, self-awareness, self-critique, managing tasks and reasoning. Redefine who you are by LEARNING

Not All stress is bad.
During exercise we put our bodies through stress so that we get a good result. The same is true for our brains. Our L2L platform engages your brain. No longer do you have to mindlessly click from screen to screen to get a worthless certificate. It's time to LEARN!
Learn to Learn (L2L) is different from typical training platforms. The steps aren’t laid out for you like AL. Instead, you’re encouraged to explore and wrestle with things. We want you to engage your passions in order to analyze and problem solve. If we just gave you the steps to complete the task you wouldn't learn as much. GiiLD's L2L platform is supposed to be challenging. It is designed to help you really learn.

How does it work

Pick a Challenge
In GiiLD you don’t take courses, you do challenges. Pick a subject you’re passionate about to really learn the skills you want.

Read Requirements
GiiLD Challenge Requirements are intentionally "loose" in order to challenge you to problem-solve.

Explore & Build
GiiLD has a lot of information to help you complete your project. Forums, Bookmarks and other people's
Journals help you along your pathway!

Bookmark and Journal
GiiLD is built off your bookmarks, journals entries, and comments. Be an active contributor. It will help you learn!

Share your code with others. You will upload a final version of your code that your peers can review (if you want them to).